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National Junior Honor Society

National Junior Honor Society

Program Advisor: Christina Sauls


National Junior Honor Society recognizes outstanding achievement by eighth graders in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, service and citizenship. Founded in 1929, it is a “junior” version of a high school’s National Honor Society with chapters in schools nationwide.

Besides being a prestigious achievement for students, NJHS provides opportunities for members to develop leadership skills, value service, foster one’s dreams and goals, and support each other’s school and personal endeavors.

The NJHS is a service-oriented organization, designed to promote teamwork leadership, and good character. The selection criteria are based upon a candidate’s outstanding performance in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.

Scholarship: Students who have an overall average of 85 for two consecutive terms in their core classes.

Leadership: Student leaders are often viewed as those students who are resourceful, good problem solvers, involved in and promoters of school activites, idea contributors, dependable, and who are both organized and organizers. Experiences to be considered under the leadership criterion can include activities that originate in the school or community or both.

Service: This quality is defined as the voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, without direct financial or material compensation to the individual performing the service.

Character: The student of good character can be said to be one who upholds principles of morality and ethics; is cooperative and responsible; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; and is a good citizen.

Citizenship: This student understands the importance of civic involvement and has a high regard for the American values of freedom, justice, patriotism, and respect for fellow human beings.

Eligibility/Selection Process:

1. Students in eighth grade will be eligible for membership.
2. Students with a cumulative GPA of 85% in core classes for two consecutive semesters will receive an activity form to complete and return to the NJHS Faculty Advisor during the first semester of eighth grade.
3. Core teachers as well as staff members who teach/work with the students will provide a character recommendation.
4. The faculty council will take into consideration the completed activity form, and teacher recommendations during the selection process.
5. Candidates who are invited to join the Alamo Junior High Chapter of the NJHS will become members after the Fall induction ceremony.

NJHS Pledge

I pledge myself to uphold the high purpose of the National Junior Honor Society To which I have been selected;

I will be true to the principles for which it stands;

I will be loyal to my school;

And will maintain and encourage High standards of Scholarship, Service Leadership, Character, and Citizenship.