Library Expectations
Library Expectations
General Expectations
I EXPECT students to be respectful to the Librarian, teachers and other students in the library at all times!
The Library is part of Alamo Junior High School. All school dress code and behavior policies apply.
Respect all school property at all times. That includes: tables, chairs, books, computers, headphones, printers, etc.
Using the Library During School Hours
Students who come to the Library independently will:
- Have a signed Library pass
- Have an academic purpose for being in the Library
- Sit with only one other student per table
- Return to class as soon as assignments or check out is complete
Checking Out Library Materials
- Student must know his/her ID number to check-out books or use the computers for research.
- Two items may be checked out at a time
- Books, with the exception of reference and reserve materials, are checked out for two weeks
- Books must be brought into the library for renewal; otherwise a fine will be incurred after two weeks
- Reference materials cannot be checked out
- Magazines are available for use in the Library
Fines and Collection
- General collection items 10 cents per day
- Fines do not accrue on days when the Library is closed
- Fines for damaged materials will be assessed at the Librarian's discretion; lost books MUST be paid for
- Patrons with fines and/or overdue items may not be allowed to check out additional materials
- It is the student's responsibility to take care of Library obligations
Students must check out a computer for their Internet research time while they are in the library.
- Internet use is for school research.
- Students must have a signed Internet use Agreement on file before using the Internet.
- Students may print 5 pages for free.